Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Jinu John's Worship and Sermon

Jinu John's Worship and Sermon

Jinu John conducted his Evaluation worship and sermon on 24th September, 2008. The text for the Sermon was Mark 14: 22-26.  with the theme, "Eucharist as the exhortation of Christ's socio Political Mission." There was a skit to introduce the theme. The preacher analyzed the text by using socio political method of hermeneutics. Usually Eucharist has been explained as ritual of salvation or a memory of Jesus' martyrdom. For the preacher the Jesus' Eucharist is a socio-political act. In the Eucharist Service the Church is supposed to witness to the socio-political mission of Jesus. The Greek word artos (bread) refers to a celebration of resources. Bread symbolizes the toil and sufferings of people working in the field. By lifting the bread and uttering "This is my body," Jesus is recognizing the sweat and toil of people. Jesus is "giving thanks" (eucharist) for the work of the laborers in the field. 

Praxes: Jinu John's Worship and Sermon